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Litocranius walleri walleri

Did you know?

  • Gerenuks are part of the Bovidae family, which they share with buffalo and other antelope.
  • They live in savannas and deserts in eastern Africa.
  • They receive almost all of their water through eating vegetation.
  • They are most active during the day.
  • They are herbivores.


Gerenuks are one of the most desert-adapted antelopes and are able to survive for long periods without water. They have unusually long legs and necks that enable them to reach impressive heights for food. This petite species stands at about three feet, but when standing on two hooves, they can measure up to six feet tall. Their coloration helps them camouflage from predators.

Social Structure

Gerenuks live in small groups that are usually made of females and their offspring. A male will live alone unless it is mating. Male gerenuks mark the bushes and vegetation along the edges of their territories with secretions from the scent glands in front of their eyes.

Threat Level

  • Unknown
  • Common
  • Near Threatened
  • Threatened
  • Endangered
  • Critically Endangered
  • Extinct in the Wild

Near Threatened

The Gerenuk is likely to qualify for vulnerable category in the near future.


Eastern Africa


Dry bush savannas and deserts

We care about gerenuks

Gerenuks benefit from environmental changes caused by the overgrazing of domestic livestock. The barren scrubland left in the wake of the destructive cattle is prime habitat for these antelopes. We support gerenuks in Red Rocks at the Zoo. Learn more about how we help wildlife around the world.

Dedicated to Conservation

Find this animal in Red Rocks


Red Rocks

At Red Rocks, you’ll view some of the world’s most powerful predators living near some of the world’s most graceful prey. Lions, tigers, zebra and giraffes all share the natural rocky boulders and outcroppings as their territory. With shading trees and a bird or two among the mammals, Red Rocks is a great place to spend a day at the Saint Louis Zoo.

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